Diver Training Services       Red Hat Diving Equipment

This is a page for anyone to publish an article.    If you fancy yourself as an author here is your chance

just email me an article with pics if possible and you can see your name in print     john@divertrainingservices.co.uk  

Places to go on diving holidays.

    Acapulco.       Club Med Turks and Caicos.     Florida Keys      Florida Spiegel Grove         Planning the perfect scuba diving holiday     Philippines     Shark Dive at Nassau, Bahamas


Dive sites around Britain 

   Scapa Flow


Diving equipment general

   Travelling with scuba gear


Equipment tests and reviews

   Red Hat Cratos

Dive boats around Britain and Ireland

    England     Scotland     Ireland     Wales



Dive boats outside Britain and Ireland

  New Zealand



  Shark attacks     Diving myths