Window cleaning equipment   01757 702487



Miscellaneous, fittings etc.


Due to my shopping cart providers closing their business the buying links may come up error. I am working through the coding one at a time. If an item has a blue "add to cart" button then this will work. Probably. Still in the testing stage.

To pay by card by ring me on 01757702487 Mon-Fri  8.30 - 4.30


Hosetails Plastic/Nylon

1/4 bsp to 12mm £2.99 Ideal for connecting 1/2 garden hose to reverse osmosis system


HT1   1/2 BSP to 12mm . £2.99 Fits DP series pumps
HT2  3/8 bsp to 6mm £2.99
HT3 3.8 bsp to 8mm £2.99
HT4  3/8 bsp to 12mm £2.99
HT5 1/2 bsp to 6mm £2.99 Fits DP series pumps
 1/2bsp to 6mm hosetail  £2.99
 1/2 bsp female swivel to 6mm barbed hosetail. £3.50

Hosetails Brass


Brass hosetails

HT2B    3/8 BSP to 6mm £2.99
HT3B    3/8 BSP to 8mm £2.99
HT4B  3/8 BSP to 12mm £2.99
HT1B  1/2 BSP to 12mm £5.59  Fits DP series pumps
HT5B 1/2 bsp to 6mm   £2.99 Fits DP series pumps
Pole fittings  
Microbore pro    Rectus 19    

Fits Rectus 19,  PCL series 10 CEJN295 & airflow £3.15

6mm hosetail   £3.15
8mm hosetail £3.15

1/4" bsp female.



out of stock
1/4" bsp male.


out of stock
Microbore pro 19 Socket 

to fit above, 6mm hosetail 19SH Genuine Rectus fittings

Rectus 19 socket (female) - 6mm hosetail    £8.34
Rectus 19 socket (female) - 8mm hosetail    £11.34
Micro bore mini   Rectus 21


 21PH Series 21 Obas/Rectus. £2.99


Rectus 21 plug (male) - 6mm hosetail chromed steel £2.99
Rectus 21 plug (male) - 8mm hosetail chromed steel  £2.99
Rectus 21 plug (male)  6mm hosetail chromed brass £3.50
Rectus 21 plug (male) 6mm hosetail Stainless steel £4.00
Microbore mini to  hosetail. female fitting. 21SH

Series 21 Obas/Rectus.£6.65


Rectus 21 socket (female) - 6mm hosetail £6.65
Rectus 21 socket (female) - 8mm hosetail £7.65

 Hozelock type to bsp (not genuine Hozelock)

Hozelock type to 1/4 bsp male. Plastic.Suitable for connecting hose to RO.   £3.50  out of stock
Hozelock type to 3/4" bsp. Plastic.   £1.70
Tap adaptor. Hozelock type to 1/2 female   £1.40
Tap adaptor. Hozelock type to 3/4 female   £1.40
 Hose repairers, joiners
 6mm-12mm plastic  £1.20
 6mm-12mm brass. £1.90. Out of stock
6mm-6mm. nylon  £1.36
1/4" (6mm) Hose Repairer 6mm-6mm brass  99p

Hozelock type fitting may be plastic or brass depending on current stock

JG 1/4 to hozelock


JG 3/8 to hozelock £7.00.

 Plastic hose and tap connectors

 Hose end on/off valve (soft touch) £2.90 

 Hose end standard (soft touch) £1.30.

Equal Y and T connectors

Quick release Y to suit 8mm OD hose. Makes changing brushes much easier. Far stronger than the usual push on Y.   £1.50
Pack of 5 £6.50
Pack of 10 £9.50
Tefan equal 5mm T connector  £1.00
Tefan equal 6mm T connector  £1.00





Roll of ptfe tape. 50p

O clips

7-9mm  30p single
7-9mm pack of 10 £1.80
9-11mm. 36p single
9-11mm pack of 10 £2.16
11-13mm. 42p
11-13mm pack of 10 £2.52
13-15mm  46p
13-15mm pack of 10 £2.76
15-18mm. 48p
15-18mm pack of 10 £2.88

Angle adaptor

Angle adaptor.£4.20
Hard wearing work gloves. Amara type palm and finger.

Available in M,L and XL

Black with coloured logo in grey (pictured) red, yellow, blue and white


Design or colour may vary.

TDS Meter

3-digit LCD display.
Auto shut off function 
Reading hold function
Super power saving: battery lasts for 5years under normal operation. Specifications:

Range:0-999 PPM.

Sensitivity:1 PPM.

TDS Probe Material:Stainless steel 316

Accuracy: ± 2%    £16.00




See also  brushes and pole spares

RO systems

100gpd to 400gpd

tel. Selby 01757 702487

Batteries and chargers
Brushes and pole parts


pole spares and brushes

Warranty and distance selling regulations