Buying guide and index |
BCDs |
Everything for sale on this site is under the normal shop price. Some of it you may recognise as sold under a branded name, others you may not (three items I sell are sold under at least three other so called branded names) much of it has been tested by me, student divers and members of Selby Aquanauts on various dives. I have recently introduced my own branded goods Red Hat with the aim of offering a range of quality goods at unbeatable prices. If it is branded Red Hat you can be sure of a super bargain. The Red Hat branded stuff is exclusive to me. Many items designed and tested by me and members of Selby Aquanauts. Everything you need may not be here as I have been unable to locate a cheap source for all equipment, but I'm looking for new suppliers all the time, things will alter in the future. If you don't find what you want come back in a few weeks and you may. Meanwhile if you can find it cheaper please let me know. Many of the pages have a link to a buyers guide. Please use it if you are unsure about particular features. John |
Regulator | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Masks and snorkels | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Knives | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Fins | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Accessories | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Reels | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Spares and tools | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Gift sets | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||||||||||||||||||
Torches |
This site is gradually being replaced with a proper shopping basket/pay on line site. If an item has a boxed link next to it this will put it in your basket and take you to a secure site to pay. All the items will have this eventually. |
index of all items individually | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Ezine | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||
To pay by Nochex you do not need to be registered if the purchase is less than £200.00
to register with Paypal
With both these types of payment you can pay anyone with an e-mail address so remember mine
Gloves neoprene
Hoses see also regulators
Key rings (see also gift sets)
Tools regulator setting
Weight harnesses
pay or register with Nochex
follow this link and don't forget to pay to